Canine Reproduction
Services for novice and professional breeders.
At Animal Clinic of Athens, we offer a variety of canine reproductive services for dog breeders and owners alike. Let our team of skilled veterinarians assist you with your dog’s reproductive needs.
We offer many services at The Animal Clinic of Athens:
- Full ER capabilities
- Medical and surgical management of pyometra (canine and feline)
- Pregnancy management (canine and feline)
- During Breeding:
- Soundness exams (canine and feline)
- Ovulation timing in the canine
- Semen analysis
- Artificial Insemination
- Medical and surgical management of dystocia (canine and feline)
- Medical management of post-partum diseases in the bitch and queen
- Medical management of the neonatal and pediatric care of the puppies and kittens
- Post-whelping management of bitch/queen and new litter:
- PennHIP or OFA radiographs for hip dysplasia
- Tail docking and dewclaw removal (when requested)
If you’d like to learn more about the canine reproductive services we offer, call us at (423) 745-7436.